Deadline to apply for graduation in 2021
Thursday, October 1
All day
Location not specified

Deadline to apply for graduation in 2021

Deadline for 2021 graduates to have social class changed prior to Spring 2021 registration

    17th Annual Brigham-Kanner Property Rights Conference
    Thursday, October 1 - Friday, October 2
    6pm - 5pm
    Law School, Online

    The Law School's Property Rights Project will host the 17th Annual Brigham-Kanner Property Rights conference online in October 2020.

    Voting in 2020 Lunch Series
    Wednesday, October 7 - Wednesday, November 4
    1pm - 1:50pm
    Law School, Zoom

    The student Election Law Society is hosting five events in their Voting in 2020 Lunch Series.

      CAD Speaker Series Presents: Demanding Democracy in Africa: The Role of Citizens and Civil Society
      Thursday, October 8
      10am - 11am

      Join the Center for African Development (CAD), a Global Research Institute research center, for an installment in their speaker series, this Thursday, October 8th, at 10am via Zoom. 

      Policing the Womb: Invisible Women and the Criminalization of Motherhood
      Thursday, October 8
      5pm - 6pm

      Join Professor Michele Goodwin, who expands the reproductive rights debate beyond abortion and discusses how laws criminalize women - especially poor women and women of color - for miscarriages, stillbirths and threatening the health of their pregnancies.

      Colonial Williamsburg's Map Exhibit: Promoting America: Maps of the Colonies and the New Republic
      Friday, October 9
      1pm - 2pm

      “Promoting America: Maps of the Colonies and the New Republic,” follows how maps served as powerful propaganda tools for colonial expansionists eager to convey the richness and abundance of the land and its inhabitants.

        Christian Lawyer Speaker Series: Nate Bruno
        Tuesday, October 13
        12:45pm - 2pm
        Law School, Zoom

        Join the Christian Legal Society in welcoming Nate Bruno, Alliance Defending Freedom's Senior Counsel and Vice President of Blackstone Alumni Services. He will be sharing with us about the way his legal career has intertwined with his spiritual journey.

          Personal Branding Workshop
          Tuesday, October 13
          4pm - 4:45pm

          A workshop about how to curate and express your personal and professional brand.

            Chinese Studies Career Panel
            Tuesday, October 13
            7:30pm - 9:30pm
            Zoom (

            A career panel for students and other parties interested in careers in China-related fields. The four panelists will make statements and take questions. Featuring Alex Bate '18, Helen Taylor '07, Susan Jakes and Graham Webster.

            Immigration, Covid-19, and 2020 - A Panel Discussion with Immigration Attorneys
            Wednesday, October 14
            12:50pm - 1:50pm
            Law School, Zoom Meeting

            Panel Discussion with experienced immigration attorneys regarding the events of 2020 and their effect on Immigration Law. 

            Justice for All: The Future of the Embattled Supreme Court
            Wednesday, October 14
            7pm - 7:45pm
            Virtual Zoom

            Join the AEI Executive Council of William & Mary on October 14th from 7-7:45pm as we host Adam White, a prestigious Supreme Court scholar, in a Zoom webinar where he will discuss the Supreme Court and its future in this era of uncertainty.

            "Disparities, Determinants and Data in the Era of Covid-19" by Rashida Dorsey, Ph.D., M.P.H.
            Wednesday, October 14
            7pm - 8pm

            Virtual talk on "Disparities, Determinants and Data in the Era of Covid-19" by Rashida Dorsey, Ph.D., M.P.H. (Founder and Principal, WisdomBuilds)

            Crash Course: Federal Resumes
            Thursday, October 15
            12:30pm - 1pm

            Learn all about federal resumes from Assistant Director for Public Service Careers, Andrew Martin. 

              A Conversation with The Virginia Coastal Policy Center: A Lemon’s Legacies Porch Talk
              Thursday, October 15
              5pm - 6pm

              Join The Lemon Project as we host a virtual conversation with Angela King of The Virginia Coastal Policy Center at William & Mary Law School.

              Tepper Speaker: GLOBAL RUSSIA
              Thursday, October 15
              5pm - 6pm

              The Russian and Post Soviet Studies Program invites you to the Tepper Lecture Series: Global Russia

                Trailblazing Women in Conservation
                Thursday, October 15
                7pm - 9pm
                Martha Wren Briggs Amphitheatre at Lake Matoaka

                Hosted by the Institute for Integrative Conservation and Planet Women,  this two-part event includes a screening of the National Geographic documentary Women of Impact followed by a panel discussion highlighting trailblazing women in conservation.

                  I Dissent: A Concert for Equal Rights in Honor of RBG
                  Saturday, October 17
                  6pm - 8pm
                  Live Stream on YouTube

                  Faculty, alumni, and students gather to offer song, dance, poetry, and tributes to honor the late Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg and all Equal Rights heroes like her. Admission by registration:

                  Battle to the Ballot Box: The Fight Against Voter Suppression 
                  Monday, October 19
                  4pm - 5pm

                  Voter suppression, harsh voter ID laws, and voter disenfranchisement are on the rise. How does this affect primaries and United States' most-watched election?

                  Resilience in Virginia: Outlook 2021 Webinar
                  Wednesday, October 21
                  10am - 12pm

                  This Virginia Coastal Policy Center webinar will focus on potential topics regarding resiliency for the upcoming 2021 Virginia General Assembly session. 

                  Student Stories from Abroad
                  Wednesday, October 21
                  7pm - 8pm

                  Study abroad from a student's perspective.

                  Inside Admissions with George Washington University Law
                  Thursday, October 22
                  4pm - 5pm

                  Please join Dean Sim for this insightful session on the application process and GW Law!

                    APIA Banh Mi presents  Dr. Janelle Wong
                    Friday, October 23
                    Zoom -

                    Join discussion on Asian Americans and the 2020 Presidential Election with Janelle Wong .

                    Election Law Society: Election Observation & Voter Confidence with Commissioner Donald Palmer
                    Friday, October 23
                    1pm - 1:50pm
                    Law School, Virtual

                    The Election Law Society will host Commissioner Donald Palmer of the Federal Election Commission at 1PM, October 23, on Zoom.

                      Crash Course: Internship Search
                      Tuesday, October 27
                      12:30pm - 1pm

                      Learn how to most effectively conduct your internship search. 

                        Coates's “The Case for Reparations”: A Lemon’s Legacies Porch Talk w/ Williamsburg Regional Library
                        Tuesday, October 27
                        7pm - 8pm

                        Join The Lemon Project as we discuss Ta-Nehisi Coates’ June 2014 article “The Case for Reparations.” 

                        Election Law Society: Presidential Election Contingencies with Professor Ned Foley (Ohio State)
                        Wednesday, October 28
                        1pm - 1:50pm
                        Law School, Virtual

                        The Election Law Society will host Professor Ned Foley of the Ohio State University Moritz College of Law at 1PM, October 28, on Zoom, as part of their Voting in 2020 Lunch Series.

                          "The Impact of COVID-19 on College Students Studying Abroad" by Eric Pedersen, Ph.D.
                          Wednesday, October 28
                          7pm - 8pm

                          Virtual talk : “The Impact of COVID-19 on College Students Studying Abroad” by Eric Pedersen, Ph.D.

                          WMCI Distinguished Scholar Lecture by Frank Samolis: U.S. and China Trade War
                          Thursday, October 29
                          12:50pm - 2:20pm
                          Location not specified

                          The W&M Confucius Institute and Law School are honored to host Frank R. Samolis through Zoom for a virtual lecture on U.S. and China trade relations as of 2020.

                          Collaborative Workshop: Respectful Political Discourse in the Classroom
                          Friday, October 30
                          Remote - Zoom

                          CLA, HR, and STLI are working together to offer an interactive working session for faculty on how to hold candid and respectful political conversations in the classroom (virtual, blended, and in-person). 


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                          Ongoing Events

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                          AMES Colloquium Series - Fall 2020
                          Friday, September 11 - Friday, November 6
                          3pm - 4pm

                          This semester we feature five lectures by AMES fabulous faculty, each of whom volunteered to offer a view into their current projects or recently published research.