Beating the Blues Part I
Thursday, November 10
McLeod Tyler Wellness Center, Studio A

This supportive workshop will focus on helping students understand depression and its symptoms as well as learn more about the resources that can assist with managing these symptoms.

    William & Mary Tech Day Virtual Employer Showcase
    Thursday, November 10
    3:30pm - 5:30pm

    W&M Tech Day was created exclusively for W&M undergraduate and graduate students to provide a venue for those interested in Tech to connect students with companies and organizations.

    Flourishing through Chronic Too-Muchness
    Thursday, November 10
    McLeod Tyler Wellness Center, Studio B

    This workshop explores an evidence-based daily routine that includes strategies to effectively manage hardship.

      Working with Emotions
      Thursday, November 10
      McLeod Tyler Wellness Center, Studio A

       This workshop will draw on skills derived from Dialectical Behavioral Therapy to explore how we can better understand and work with our emotions.

        W&M Online Programs Information Webinar
        Thursday, November 10
        7pm - 8pm

        This webinar a panel of  students from our online  programs. They will discuss application tips, strategies for succeeding in our online courses, networking, and more. 


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          Ongoing Events

          68th Annual William & Mary Tax Conference
          Wednesday, November 9 - Friday, November 11
          5pm - 5pm
          Law School, TBA

          The William & Mary Tax Conference offers lawyers and accountants an in-depth look at current topics in tax law.

          Neurodiversity Support Group
          Friday, October 28 - Friday, December 9
          5pm - 6pm
          McLeod Tyler Wellness Center, Counseling Center, 2nd Floor

          Explore social interactions, communication styles, relationships, and more.

          W&M Part-Time MBA Class Visits Fall 2022
          Tuesday, September 6 - Thursday, December 8
          William & Mary Peninsula Center

          Don't miss this opportunity to sit in on a real William & Mary Part-Time MBA class!