Raymond A. Mason School of Business Events
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Raymond A. Mason School of Business
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MBAA Student Forum
Friday, November 22
12:30pm - 2pm
Alan B. Miller Hall (Business School), Room 1013
This is your opportunity to learn more about how the MBAA operates, ask questions, and share your thoughts on what experiences and initiatives you’d like to see in the future.
Business School Tour
Friday, November 22
1pm - 1:30pm
Alan B. Miller Hall (Business School), Lobby
Tour the business school and learn about the Undergraduate Business Programs and application process.
Undergraduate Business Information Session
Friday, November 22
3pm - 3:45pm
Zoom: https://cwm.zoom.us/j/96850366292, Meeting ID: 96850366292
We invite you to join the Undergraduate Business Admissions Team to learn more about the Undergraduate Business Programs, the application process, and get answers to any other questions you may have about the Business Majors and/or Minors Programs.
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