Skewed Justice: Citizens United, Television Advertising, and State Supreme Court Justices' Decisions
Thursday, October 22
12:50pm - 1:50pm
Law School, Room 133
Join ACS for this short documentary film exploring the impact of judicial elections on judicial decision making. Director Catherine Orr will be available after the screening to for a Q&A session, and Baker's Crust will be served for lunch.

    Ongoing Events

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    Apply to be a Weingartner Fellow
    Thursday, October 15 - Friday, October 23
    Blow Memorial Hall, Room 254
    All W&M undergraduates are invited to apply to be named Weingartner Global Fellows for the 2016 calendar year. Applications are due in the Charles Center by October 23, 2015.
    Study Abroad Photo Contest: Deadline Oct 23
    Monday, October 5 - Friday, October 23
    Reves Center for International Studies
    The Global Education Office invites you to submit up to three of your best photos for our annual Study Abroad Photo Contest.