Study Abroad Interest Meeting
Friday, September 28
4pm - 5:30pm
Chancellors Hall (formerly Tyler Hall), Room 102
Information session on the Cadiz, Spain summer program as well as the La Plata, Argentina and Seville, Spain semester programs.
    Study Abroad in Spain and Argentina Information Session
    Friday, September 28
    4pm - 5:30pm
    Chancellors Hall (formerly Tyler Hall), Room 102

      Ongoing Events

      2012 Summer Research Showcase
      Monday, September 24 - Friday, September 28
      2pm - 5pm
      Blow Memorial Hall, Room 201
      Students who received summer research scholarships from the Charles Center will present their work in poster and oral presentation sessions during the week of September 24-28.
      Community Courses: Term 1
      Monday, September 17 - Thursday, October 11
      Location not specified
      Open enrollment for courses in Beginning Chinese I, Business Chinese, Calligraphy and Paper Cutting.