The Haven Open House
Wednesday, April 5
5pm - 8pm
Campus Center, Room 166

As part of Sexual Assault Awareness Month, The Haven will be hosting an open house. We invite you to stop by to see the resource center for yourself and meet the incredible student volunteers who staff it. Light refreshments will be served. 

    Introductory Forest Mindfulness Walk:  A Path to Health and Resilience (open to all)
    Wednesday, April 5
    5:30pm - 6:30pm
    The Bee McLeod Recreation Center, Out front (please be prompt)
    Would you like to add something restorative to this month, this semester, this year? We invite everyone (particularly staff and faculty) to partake in this practical application of meditation and mindfulness to the daily activity of walking.

      Ongoing Events

      Healthy Eating Series
      Wednesday, February 8 - Wednesday, April 12
      10:30am - 11:30am
      Sadler Center, Tidewater A

      Welcome to the Spring 2017 Healthy Eating Series! Each session is designed so you can attend one, a combination of them, or all four. A certificate of completion will be presented to those attending all four programs.