Sunset Paddle on Lake Matoaka
Monday, October 24
All day
Location not specified

Register by October 21st at the front desk of the Student Recreation Center, or online:

Cost: FREE!
    Vegetarian Nutrition, Part 2
    Monday, October 24
    3pm - 4pm
    Sadler Center, Tidewater B

    Julie Nance, Campus Dietitian, hosts a vegetarian nutrition "class." Free to all students, faculty, and staff. Learn about nutrients that are important in a plant-based diet and how to make sure you're getting them.

      Free Mindful Meditation
      Monday, October 24
      4:30pm - 5:15pm
      The Bee McLeod Recreation Center, Multipurpose Studio

      With Joseph A. Garcia, M.S.

        Ongoing Events

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        Wellness Passport Incentive Program
        Monday, September 19 - Sunday, November 13
        The Bee McLeod Recreation Center

        Enhance your fall semester by exploring the eight different dimensions of wellness! Sign up for this FREE Patron Incentive Program, sponsored by W&M Campus Recreation and the Healthy Campus 2020 Coalition. The fun begins Monday, Sept. 19th!