W&M Featured Events
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W&M, NATO Cooperative Cyber Defence Center of Excellence (CCDCOE), EU Cyber Diplomacy Initiative-EU Cyber Direct, and King's College London present a conference in Brussels: Tomorrow's Silver Lining: Cyber Resilience, Cyber Defense, and New Technologies.
Learn how to create a resume in Microsoft Word
Title: Reliability and robustness of oscillations in some slow-fast chaotic systems
Join us on Oct 28th to learn about how William & Mary students are advancing real-world conservation solutions!
Y. Joseph Zhang, Virginia Institute of Marine Science, Title of Talk: Cross-scale estuarine and ocean modelling on unstructured grids: a community approach
Info Session about the McCormack-Reboussin Scholarship in French & Francophone Studies
October 28, 4-5pm.
Contact Prof. Pacini for the Zoom link.
Explore social interactions, communication styles, relationships, and more.
Slayyy is a Halloween themed drag show fundraiser being put on by the Lips club- sponsored by the GSWS department! There will be performances, raffles, a bake sale, goodies, and more.
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Ongoing Events
DANCEVENT featuring Orchesis Modern Dance Company
A concert of original works created by William & Mary dance faculty, and performed by faculty, guest artists, and members of the Orchesis Modern Dance Company.
Studio Art Workshop events w/ Laura Frazure, "Poses of Labor": a temporary public art project
All are invited to:
An Adobe Patty Making Party, Oct 27, 5pm, Andrews 118
Observe the construction of "Poses of Labor", Oct 28 &29, 10am each day, front of Andrews
Come order a cookie and write a note for just $1 in Sadler atrium on Weds. October 26th - Sat. October 29th from 11am-2pm. Recipients will be notified of their Halloween surprise on Sunday to be picked up in Sadler on Halloween (Monday) 10am-7pm.
William & Mary is hosting events and giving prizes to ALL students in honor of Brain Awareness Week!
Andrews Gallery presents artist Laura Frazure, Bodily Rhetoric. October 6-28, 2022. Artist talk, Oct 6, 5-6pm, Andews 101 , followed by an opening reception, 6-8pm.
Join the Muscarelle Museum of Art for Faculty Show 15, an exhibition of recent works of William & Mary's studio art faculty.
At the Writing Resources Center, trained peer consultants offer individual assistance with writing, presentation, and other communication assignments across disciplines and at any stage, from generating ideas to polishing a final product.