University Recognition Day
Tuesday, November 26
All day
Location not specified

Offices closed. Remote instruction.


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    Ongoing Events

    James City Lions Club Sneaker Drive
    Monday, September 16 - Friday, December 13
    The Bee McLeod Recreation Center

    Donate your used sneakers so they can be repurposed or recycled.

    Writing and Communication Center Open for Fall Semester
    Monday, September 9 - Friday, December 6
    1pm - 10pm
    Swem Library, Writing and Communication Center (Swem 145)

    At the Writing and Communication Center, trained peer consultants offer individual assistance with writing, presentation, and other communication assignments across disciplines and at any stage, from generating ideas to polishing a final product. 

    America in Black & White: Depression-Era Photographs from the Farm Security Administration
    Monday, April 15 - Tuesday, December 31
    Stryker Center

    The Muscarelle Museum of Art presents a selection of photographs from the Farm Security Administration, a New Deal-era project that created a pictorial record of American life between 1935-1944.