W&M Featured Events
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Featuring projects presented by Soph Asenso, Lily Ballas, Alec Conley, Benetnasch Hyde, Emmett McLaughlin, and Colleen Stewart
Tour the business school and learn about the Undergraduate Business Programs and application process.
Tickets are FREE and can be reserved at https://wm.universitytickets.com.
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27 | 28 | 29 | 30 | |||
Ongoing Events
William & Mary has partnered with Mission Collaborative to bring you the W&M Alumni Career Design Fellowship, a 30-day online program to help W&M alumni get the clarity, plan, and accountability you need to design a successful career.
At the Writing and Communication Center, trained peer consultants offer individual assistance with writing, presentation, and other communication assignments across disciplines and at any stage, from generating ideas to polishing a final product.