NATO Cyber Defence: A Decade of Opportunities and Challenges
Friday, April 16
8am - 10am
Location not specified

William & Mary, NATO CCDCOE, and King’s College London are pleased to invite you to the sideline event of the NATO Cyber Defence Pledge conference 2021.

APIA Centennial Banh Mi Lecture presents: Filipino Nurses at the Postcolonial Prelude, 1911 – 1946
Friday, April 16
12pm - 1pm
Zoom - please register

Asian and Pacific Islander Bahn Mi presents: Filipino Nurses at the Postcolonial Prelude, 1911 – 1946: A History of Mobility and Racialization to and from Seattle

Geospatial Research Symposium
Friday, April 16
1pm - 4pm

Join the Center for Geospatial Analysis and Institute for Integrative Conservation for the 3rd annual Geospatial Research Symposium, a part of undergraduate research month. 

    In-Person FitWell Class:  Outdoor Yoga with Emma S.
    Friday, April 16
    4:45pm - 5:35pm
    Martha Wren Briggs Amphitheatre at Lake Matoaka

    Ongoing Events

    Family Weekend
    Wednesday, September 23 - Sunday, September 26
    Location not specified

    Family Weekend features events and special programs designed to showcase life at William & Mary. Learn about world-class faculty, experience special performances from one of many talented student groups, and connect with families from across the nation.