Labor Day (no classes, offices closed)
Monday, September 5
All day
Location not specified

 Labor Day (classes meet, offices closed)

    Last day to Add/Drop
    Monday, September 12
    All day
    Location not specified

    Add/Drop period ends

      Workshop: Bibliographies and Citations Made Easy
      Friday, September 16
      2pm - 3pm

      Come learn about a variety of citation management software available to help you automatically cite as you write, organize, easily collaborate with classmates, and create bibliographies.

      Physics Colloquium - Edward Thomas Jr.
      Friday, September 16
      4pm - 5pm
      Small Hall, Room 111

      Edward Thomas Jr., Auburn University, Title of Talk: Using magnetic fields and microgravity to explore the physics of dusty plasmas

      What Grad Students Should Know About Author’s Rights & Publishing
      Tuesday, September 20
      12:30pm - 1:30pm

      This workshop will help grad students understand what rights they hold as an author.

      Writing a Teaching Statement
      Wednesday, September 21
      2pm - 3pm

      Learn tips for writing a teaching statement for academic job applications.