Biology Fall Seminar: Matthew Wolak (Auburn University)
Friday, October 5
3pm - 4pm

Title: "Immigration, divorce, and inbreeding: Non-alternative facts about the evolutionary ecology of song sparrows"

    Crim Dell Restoration Work Day
    Sunday, October 7
    10am - 2pm
    Crim Dell Meadow

    Come join SEAC in cleaning up the Crim Dell from 10-2 on October 7th. 

    Biology Fall Seminar: David Virshup (Duke-NSU Medical School Sinagpore)
    Friday, October 12
    3pm - 4pm

    Title: "Drugging the WNT pathway for knowledge and cures: A physician-scientist's adventure in biology and medicine"

      Fall Break
      Saturday, October 13 - Tuesday, October 16
      Location not specified
        Classes resume from Fall Break
        Wednesday, October 17
        All day
        Location not specified

        Classes resume from Fall Break

          Biology Fall Seminar: George Liechti (Uniformed Services University of Health Sciences)
          Friday, October 19
          3pm - 4pm

          Title: "Moving beyond the 'chlamydial anomaly': peptidoglycan synthesis, turnover, and function in the intracellular human pathogen, Chlamydia trachomatis

            3MT Three Minute Thesis Competition
            Saturday, October 20
            5pm - 7pm
            ISC 1221

            Current graduate students will present their research in under three minutes before a panel of judges. Learn about world-class research at W&M!

            ETD, Copyright & Embargo Information Session Brownbag
            Tuesday, October 23
            12pm - 1pm
            Swem Library, Ford Classroom

            A workshop for A&S grad students preparing to submit a dissertation or thesis to the ETD system and interested in learning more about copyright and embargoing.

              Mary Silber, Professor of Statistics, The University of Chicago
              Friday, October 26
              3pm - 4pm

              Professor Silber is an applied mathematician who currently contributes to the Computational and Applied Mathematics Initiative (CAMI) at the University of Chicago.