Law School Application Workshop
Tuesday, September 3
6pm - 7:30pm
Boswell Hall (formerly Morton Hall), Room 20
    Mathematics Colloquium: Chi-Kwong Li (William & Mary)
    Friday, September 13
    2pm - 3pm
    Jones Hall, Room 301

    Mathematics Colloquium: Chi-Kwong Li (William & Mary, and Institute for Quantum Computing of Waterloo):

    Title: Error correlation schemes for fully correlated quantum channels protecting both quantum and classical information

    Google Information Session
    Wednesday, September 18
    6:30pm - 7:30pm
    Cohen Career Center
      Fall Career and Internship Fair
      Friday, September 20
      12pm - 4pm
      Sadler Center, Chesapeake and Tidewater Rooms
      Colloquium: Deep Appearance Modeling
      Friday, September 20
      3pm - 4pm
      McGlothlin-Street Hall, Room 020

      Colloquium Speaker: Pieter Peers from Computer Science at William & Mary

      Tuesday, September 24
      7:30pm - 9pm
      Cohen Career Center, Presentation Room A&B

      Information Session with MicroStrategy. Come learn about the opportunities available to you at Microstrategy!

      Workshop: Bibliographies and Citations Made Easy
      Wednesday, September 25
      4pm - 5pm
      Swem Library, Cox Classroom

      Come learn about a variety of citation management software available to help you automatically cite as you write, organize, easily collaborate with classmates, and create bibliographies.

      Graduate & Professional School Fair
      Friday, September 27
      12pm - 3:30pm
      Sadler Center, Chesapeake Room

      This fair  showcases graduate school programs to and allows prospective students to gain more information about their schools/programs. This fair is open to students of all majors and class years as well as alumni.

        Mathematics Colloquium: Saeed Nasseh (Georgia Southern University)
        Friday, September 27
        2pm - 3pm
        Jones Hall, Room 301

        Modules over finite dimensional algebras: Application to a conjecture in commutative algebra.

        Colloquium: Analysis of Access Control Enforcement in Android
        Friday, September 27
        3pm - 4pm
        McGlothlin-Street Hall, Room 020

        Colloquium: Analysis of Access Control Enforcement in Android