Physics Events
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September 21 is the deadline for A&S grad students to apply to be paired with a mentor in the GSAB Mentoring Program.
Jay D. Sau, University of Maryland, Title of Talk: Search for the new exotic quantum particle: Non-Abelian Majorana zero modes at semiconductor-superconductor interfaces
James Franklyn Dowd, Final Oral Examination for the Ph.D., Title: "Probe of Electroweak Interference Effects in Non-Resonant Inelastic Electron-Proton Scattering ."
Join AMP and The Society of Physics Students on Wednesday, September 26th, and make your own ice cream with liquid nitrogen. Pick assorted mix-ins and flavors, then learn about the properties of Nitrogen over some fresh ice cream.
Come learn about a variety of citation management software available to help you automatically cite as you write, organize, easily collaborate with classmates, and create bibliographies. (Rescheduled from 9/12.)
W&M is one of 15 universities to host a #SameHere Sit-Down, produced by The Global Mental Health Alliance: We?re All A Little ?Crazy.? Featuring candid conversations with an Olympic gold medalist, a recording artist and an ESPN Reporter.
Danielle H. Speller, Yale University, Title of Talk: Invisible Worlds: A Search For Axion Dark Matter with the HAYSTAC Experiment
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