[PAST EVENT] 2020 Government, Non-Profit & Education Career Fair at Georgetown

February 7, 2020
10am - 3pm
Georgetown University
Access & Features
  • Registration/RSVP

Georgetown's annual Government, Education and Non-Profit Career Fair connects undergraduate and graduate students with employers that work in, or serve, organizations from local, state and federal governments; public, private and charter schools; as well as a variety of non-profit organizations. Private sector organizations that serve these sectors are welcome to register as well.

Whether you have vacancies to fill, want to collect resumes or simply build your brand, the career services staff from the 10 different universities are excited to connect you with their talented students and alumni. Last year, 900 undergraduate students, graduate students, and alumni participated in this one-day event.

Georgetown University’s Cawley Career Education Center hosts the Government, Education, and Nonprofit Career Fair in Washington, D.C., in conjunction with:

American University

Brown University

Carnegie Mellon University's Heinz College, 

The College of William and Mary

Duke University

Harvard University's Harvard College

New York University's Wasserman Center for Career Development

New York University's Robert F. Wagner Graduate School of Public Service

Swarthmore College

University of Richmond

University of Virginia

Yale University

The fair is only open to students and alumni of these schools. This event is not open to the general public.

Registration Packages:

Nonprofit & Education Organizations: $350

Government Organizations: $450

Private Sector Organizations: $800

Packages include:

one booth with a table measuring 6-feet-by-18 inches and table linens and two chairs

event registration for two employer representatives

two buffet breakfasts and two buffet lunches in Georgetown's faculty club

your organization's name listed in the program

Optional add-ons: additional employer representatives ($40 per representative), electricity ($25)

Event Hours

Employer Check-In and Set-Up: 8:30am - 10:00am

Doors Open to Students: 10:00am - 3:00pm

Lunch Served: 11:30am-2:00pm

Employer Attendance

We are committed to offering our students a diverse mix of jobs and from a variety of industries. Therefore, selection of career fair employers is based on current job market conditions and student demands. You will receive a confirmation e-mail once your registration has been approved. To see the list of last year’s employer attendees, click here.

Questions: please contact Rebecca Cassidy at rebecca.cassidy@georgetown.edu or call 202.687.6288.

Further logistics will be sent out to registered employers closer to the date of the event. We look forward to seeing you there!

