[PAST EVENT] Application Deadline Thurs. Oct 11: Field Research Program on the US-Mexico Border Jan. 6-13

October 11, 2012
All day
Boswell Hall (formerly Morton Hall)
100 Ukrop Way
Williamsburg, VA 23185Map this location
In collaboration with BorderLinks, our institutional host in Tucson, AZ-Nogales, Sonora, students will investigate immigration issues from a variety of different perspectives. A typical field research itinerary offers students the opportunity to engage with representatives from NGOs, humanitarian organizations, community activists, public defenders, and government officials, as well as observe deportation proceedings and hike along a migrant trail.

Besides earning one credit for field research, students will develop research "products" by enrolling in either Philosophy 432: Ethics of Immigration or Sociology 409: Latino/a Immigration, Citizenship and Border Issues.

The cost of the trip is approximately $910 plus airfare to Tucson, AZ. Financial assistance may be available. To apply please go to: http://tinyurl.com/US-MexicoBorder-App

Contact Prof. Bickham Mendez (jbmend@wm.edu) or Prof. Sanchez (resanchez@wm.edu) for more information.

Jennifer Bickham Mendez jbmend@wm.edu