[PAST EVENT] Desserts with the Dean

December 12, 2023
11am - 12pm
Sadler Center, Lobby
200 Stadium Dr
Williamsburg, VA 23185Map this location
Access & Features
  • Free food
desserts with the dean, with Dean Raitt of Arts and Sciences

Join Dean Raitt of Arts & Sciences and the OUAA for a final exam break to chat, ask questions, and eat desserts! Do you have questions for Arts & Sciences’ Dean Raitt? Feel free to ask them in our survey for Dean Raitt to answer at our Desserts with the Dean event in December! When submitting your question, you can choose to enter a raffle for your chance to win a collection of swag from Arts & Sciences and the OUAA. Take the survey by copying/pasting this link in your web browser ( https://wmsas.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV_0OfygbnfetfeOns ), or click on the "RSVP" link to take the survey and let us know if you'll be joining us.

