[PAST EVENT] Physics Colloquium - Elana Urbach

April 12, 2024
4pm - 5pm
Small Hall, Room 111
300 Ukrop Way
Williamsburg, VA 23185Map this location
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Elana Urbach, Harvard University, Title of talk: Nanoscale and Gigascale: Quantum Sensing of Condensed Matter Systems and a Cosmological Survey

Nanoscale magnetic sensing can provide a wealth of information about the properties of biological and condensed matter systems, but few techniques have the sensitivity and spatial resolution necessary to act as truly local probes of these materials. Recently, the nitrogen vacancy (NV) center in diamond has emerged as a powerful tool capable of detecting single electron and nuclear spins. In this colloquium, I will present several experiments that utilize the NV center to gain insight into the structure and dynamics of 2D systems at the nanoscale.

Switching to the gigascale, the Vera C. Rubin Observatory is nearing completion and will soon embark on the Legacy Survey of Space and Time (LSST), a ten year survey of the southern sky. I will talk about the goals of the survey and the work that we're doing now to ensure the survey's success.

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