[PAST EVENT] Mean Girl Feminism: How White Feminists Gaslight, Gatekeep, and Girlboss 

November 21, 2024
5pm - 6:30pm
Tucker Hall, 127A
350 James Blair Dr
Williamsburg, VA 23185Map this location
kim nguyen
kim nguyen

From the Bitch Manifesto to the movie Mean Girls and the popularity of the mean girl trope, the right to be mean is the new frontier for white feminist discontent. My work explores how feminism points to gender as if it is resistance in and of itself. Feminist discourses have positioned the white heterosexual mean girl/woman as both the primary problem to patriarchy and the antidote without whom patriarchy cannot be remade. I argue that the white mean girl feminist is the idealistic figure of complaint and the white hetero-patriarchical mark of bourgeois feminist maturity. In this presentation, I will share a brief overview of this book project. 

Sponsored by: Gender, Sexuality & Women's Studies


Latasha Simms