[PAST EVENT] (Who can?) “Take Back the Night” presented by Prof. Diya Bose

November 1, 2024
12pm - 1pm
Boswell Hall (formerly Morton Hall), Room 314
100 Ukrop Way
Williamsburg, VA 23185Map this location
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Who Can
Who Can

This year, on the eve of India’s Independence Day, August 15th, large crowds of women held candlelight vigils in one hundred locations throughout the city of Kolkata. The demonstrators camped out in the streets overnight, under banners that read, “Reclaim the Night,” to demand women’s right to safety and freedom in public places. In this talk, I will explore some of the questions that have emerged from these demands for justice, including: Who can demand safety or re(claim) the night?

Diya Bose is an Assistant Professor of Sociology and GSWS at William & Mary. Her work focuses on intersections of gender, sexuality, and the criminal legal systems.

Sponsored by: Gender, Sexuality & Women's Studies


Latasha Simms