Mathematics Colloquium - Laura Storch, Bates College

December 6, 2024
2pm - 3pm
Jones Hall, Room 301
200 Ukrop Way
Williamsburg, VA 23185Map this location
Access & Features
  • Free food
  • Open to the public
Jones Hall
Jones Hall

Analyzing Dynamical Changes of Noisy Spatial Population Time Series Using Computational Topology 

Natural systems worldwide are experiencing decline due to climate change and increasing human pressure. Here, we seek to predict impending change in spatially distributed populations by quantifying changes in spatial distribution patterns during a dynamical change (such as an extinction event). We use computational topology for pattern quantification. As real-world data inevitably always contains error and/or noise, we also perform image processing on noisy spatial distribution patterns. Preliminary results show that certain image processing procedures are capable of destroying noise while retaining topological information about the spatial patterns, and we can observe topological early warning signals of population collapse.  

Refreshments in Jones Hall lobby starting at 1:30pm

Sponsored by: Mathematics


Sarah Day