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[PAST EVENT] Dimitrios Nikolopoulos, Distinguished Speaker Series: Virtualizing Any Accelerator Anywhere
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Distinguished Speaker: Dimitrios Nikolopoulos, Professor in the School of Electronics, Electrical Engineering and Computer Science (EEECS) and Director of the Global Research Institute on Electronics, Communication and Information Technology (ECIT), at Queen's University Belfast.
Abstract: The talk presents recent results from my team's research in fair, efficient, and portable virtualization of a wide range of computational accelerators, including but not limited to GPUs and FPGAs. I will present FairGV, a system for low-latency virtualization of latency-critical tasks on high-performance computing environments; RAPID and ENORM, two frameworks for accelerator virtualization and resource management across micro servers and Cloud servers that enable energy-efficient Edge Computing; and VINEYARD, a layered scheduling framework for using virtualized accelerators as software-defined functional units in data centres. I will also present a number of cross-cutting efforts to make accelerators more programmable and more easily accessible to the 'average' Cloud user from popular programming environments such as Spark and OpenCL.
Brief bio: Dimitrios is Professor in the School of Electronics, Electrical Engineering and Computer Science (EEECS) and Director of the Global Research Institute on Electronics, Communication and Information Technology (ECIT), at Queen's University Belfast. He has also held posts as Head of the School of EEECS and Director of Research in High Performance and Distributed Computing at Queen's. His research expertise is in system software, with particular emphasis on performance, power and reliability aspects of servers and distributed systems. He is the recipient of a Royal Society Wolfson Research Merit Award, the NSF CAREER Award, the DOE CAREER Award, the IBM Faculty Award, the SFI-DEL Investigator Award and Best Paper Awards from some of the premier IEEE and ACM conferences in his area, including SC, PPoPP, and IPDPS. He has mentored 14 Ph.D. students and 14 post-doctoral research fellows over his career. They jointly produced over 200 top-tier papers, with extensive funding (?11.9m in a Principal Investigator and ?42.8m in a CoInvestigator role) awarded competitively by the NSF, DOE, EPSRC, SFI, NI DfE, Royal Academy of Engineering, Royal Society, the European Commission, IBM and Intel. Dimitrios has taught modules in computer organization, computer architecture, parallel programming, operating systems and embedded systems. He is a Fellow of the Institute of Engineering Technology (IET), Fellow of the British Computer Society (BCS), Senior Member of the IEEE and Senior Member of the ACM. He earned Ph.D. (2000), MSc (1997) and BEng (1996) degrees in Computer Engineering and Informatics from the University of Patras.