[PAST EVENT] Biology Homecoming Reception-Open House

October 24, 2015
10am - 12pm
Integrated Science Center (ISC), 2nd and 3rd floors
540 Landrum Dr
Williamsburg, VA 23185Map this location
Come to the ISC and Millington Greenhouse for an open house and reception before the football game! This year we will feature a reception in ISC3020 and the following Biology attractions:

* LAST CHANCE FOR MILLINGTON GREEN HOUSE TOUR! (Millington Hall, top floor): Patty White Jackson and her students will give the last Homecoming tour of the Millington Greenhouse, which will be vacated in May, and re-opened on top of the ISC in 2016.

* Confocal Open Lab (ISC3059): William Buchser's students will demonstrate state-of-the-art microscopy on our Nikon Confocal.

* Electron Microscope (table top SEM in ISC 2107): Let Abigail Reft show you how to check out that bug at 1,000,000x magnification!

* Trout Tank (ISC1, 3rd floor, Barksdale side foyer): Patty Zwollo's students will explain some of their research on how trout stay healthy!

* Fascinating insects in tightly closed cages (ISC1, 3rd floor, Barksdale side foyer): Norm Fashing will present some of his favorite 8 (or more)-legged research subjects.

* IGEM Synthetic Biology Team (teaching lab ISC1): The victorious iGEM team will showcase their award-winning synthetic biology research.

* Flies and Worms under the scope (teaching lab ISC1): Students of Matt Wawersik and Diane Shakes will explain how worms and flies help us decipher some of the most fundamental and important, yet unsolved research problems.

* Student Research Posters (ISC1, 3rd floor, Barksdale side foyer): Let some of our best students explain their research posters to you!

Disclaimer: presentations and events may change without notice

[[Eric Bradley,elbrad2]]