Mathematics Colloquium - Daozhou Gao, Cleveland State University

October 25, 2024
2pm - 3pm
Jones Hall, Room 301
200 Ukrop Way
Williamsburg, VA 23185Map this location
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  • Free food
  • Open to the public
indoors, inside, people, isc, integrated science center, presentations, podiums, faculty, audiences

Title: Role of Human Movement on Disease Persistence and Prevalence

Abstract: Human movement facilitates disease spread and poses a serious challenge to disease control. Patch models are widely adopted to describe the spatial spread of infectious diseases in discrete spaces. The basic reproduction number R0 usually serves as a threshold between disease extinction and persistence. Thus, it is desirable to eradicate a disease by reducing R0 to less than 1 via travel control. However, disease eradication is incredibly difficult for most infectious diseases. Reducing disease prevalence (proportion of people being infected) to a low level is a more feasible and cost-effective goal. In this talk, I will examine the influence of dispersal intensity and dispersal asymmetry on the disease persistence and disease prevalence. Our study highlights the necessity of evaluating control measures with other quantities besides the basic reproduction number.

Sponsored by: Mathematics


Junping Shi