Computer Science Events
[PAST EVENT] Secure High-Performance Computer Architectures
Speaker: Dmitry Ponomarev, Binghamton University
Title: “Secure High-Performance Computer Architectures”
Abstract: Modern computer systems are under constant threat of attacks by sophisticated adversaries. In this talk, we will demonstrate that computer architecture and hardware design can play an important role in securing computer systems without compromising performance or significantly increasing design complexity. We will describe several attack vectors and hardware-supported solutions to these attacks. Specifically, we will review our recent work on dynamic information flow tracking, code-reuse attacks, malware detection and side-channel attacks, and demonstrate how these pieces fit together to build a secure system.
Bio: Dmitry Ponomarev is a Professor in the Department of Computer Science at Binghamton University where he directs Architecture for Security Lab. His research interests are in the areas of computer architecture, cybersecurity and high-performance computing. Professor Ponomarev received Ph.D. in Computer Science from Binghamton University in 2003, SUNY Chancellor’s Award for Excellence in Scholarship and Creative Activities in 2016 and Binghamton University Watson School Recognition Award for Distinguished Educator in 2017. His research has been supported by multiple grants from NSF and DoD.
Dmitry Evtyushkin