School of Education Events
[PAST EVENT] Welcome to the Tribe! A Graduate Assistantship Recruitment Experience.
ZoomAccess & Features
- Registration/RSVP
This invitation only, virtual event enables newly admitted students to the higher education program to interview with Graduate Assistantship (GA) supervisors. By indicating an interest on the RSVP form, you will automatically be set up for an interview for the open positions you select. Individual GA supervisors will contact you to arrange for an interview time. This virtual event provides you with the opportunity to discuss your career preferences with our community of scholars, and investigate potential graduate assistantship openings.
Admission letters for the Higher Education Administration programs will go out via email in early February.
Admitted students to the Higher Education program should register for this event.
For more information about the event, contact Greg Henderson at
For information about the master's and doctoral programs in Higher Education, please contact Dr. Pam Eddy at or Dr. Stephanie Blackmon at
Dr. Pam Eddy [[peddy]] or Dr. Stephanie Blackmon [[sjblackmon]]