[PAST EVENT] Faculty Research Brown Bag: Learn from the Past, Reflect on the Present, and Plan for a Just Future

November 17, 2023
12pm - 1pm
Faculty Research Brown Bag: Janise Parker

Learning from the Past, Reflecting on the Present, and Planning for a Just Future

Janise Parker, associate professor of school psychology, will present her work with the Bray School Lab, where she will link key findings from her review of (a) learning material used to instruct the Bray School students and (b) the broader ideology surrounding the institution of slavery/social oppression to contemporary issues in K-12 schools. Participants will be encouraged to identify action steps one could execute in their respective roles to create a more just future for K-12 students.

Dr. Parker takes a healing approach to understanding the intersection of history and current practices to inform services that help communities to thrive and grow. Her research focuses on (a) culturally responsive mental and behavioral health services, (b) sociocultural factors and positive youth development, especially among Black K-12 students, and (c) religious and spiritual diversity among marginalized youth. As a licensed psychologist and researcher focused on multicultural practice, Dr. Parker has consistently trained students to respond to the needs of diverse populations by providing holistic mental health care for youth and families and/or producing scholarship of impact.

The Faculty Research Brown Bag Series is sponsored by the Office of Research and Faculty Development at the William & Mary School of Education. For more information about the Faculty Research Brown Bag Series: https://education.wm.edu/research/brown-bags/index.php


[[emcarter, Erica Carter]]