Environment and Sustainability Events
This calendar presented by
Environment and Sustainability Program
[PAST EVENT] Parks & Public Space Student Research Symposium, Dec 17
December 17, 2014
2pm - 4pm
Please join the ENSP 440: Parks & Public Space class as students share the results of their semester-long research projects and present policy recommendations for enhancing the social and environmental health of area parks to improve quality of life, equity, and environmental quality in the Greater Williamsburg Area.
Student projects investigate a variety of topics including park and public space access and mobility,
the mental health benefits of parks, environmental education, community gardens, dog parks, bicycling, public space interventions, marketing for parks, and urban revitalization.
Light snacks and refreshments will be provided. Open to the public.
RSVP on Facebook Parks & Public Space Symposium or via {{https://forms.wm.edu/18204, W&M forms.}}
Student projects investigate a variety of topics including park and public space access and mobility,
the mental health benefits of parks, environmental education, community gardens, dog parks, bicycling, public space interventions, marketing for parks, and urban revitalization.
Light snacks and refreshments will be provided. Open to the public.
RSVP on Facebook Parks & Public Space Symposium or via {{https://forms.wm.edu/18204, W&M forms.}}
Questions? Contact Prof. [[dcibes, Ibes]]