Geology Events
[PAST EVENT] Geology Seminar
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Please join us for our department seminar this Thursday.
Who: Lizzie Wallace, Assistant Professor, Dept. Ocean & Earth Sciences, Old Dominion University
When: Thursday Nov 7 at 5 pm
Where: McGlothlin-Street 219
Title of the talk:
Hurricane and climate interactions over the past two millennia: Insights from sediment cores and climate models
Brief Description:
This talk will explore results from blue hole sediment records from the Bahamas and tropical cyclone models to constrain the spatiotemporal variability in hurricane activity in the North Atlantic over the past millennium. This work lays the foundation for creating high-resolution paleohurricane records from coastal karst basins and using hurricane models to inform our interpretations of these records.
There will be pizza!!! See you later this week.
Sponsored by: Department of Geology