Global Studies Events
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Global Studies
[PAST EVENT] RPSS Undergraduate Research Showcase
April 24, 2021
2pm - 3:30pm
Virtual Event
We are delighted to share the program of our upcoming RPSS Undergraduate Research Showcase.
RPSS students present their research in history, literary, and film studies.
Catherine Tyson "Commemorations to Communism: Exploring the Ideological Utility of Victory Day in the Struggle for the Third World"
Lee DePue “Yugosexual: Gender, Politics, and Violence in Mihailovic and Makavejev”
Grace Riley “Diabolic Mockery: The Power of Subversive Laughter in Yevgeny Zamiatin's We”
Discussant: Grace Kier, James C. Gaither Junior Fellow, Russia and Eurasia Program, Carnegie Endowment for International Peace.
Chair: Emily Elston