Law School Events
This calendar presented by
Law School
[PAST EVENT] Domestic Violence Against People with Disabilities
April 20, 2021
12:45pm - 2pm
Via ZoomAccess & Features
- Open to the public
- Registration/RSVP

Please join the Domestic Violence Clinic, the Family & Education Law Society (FELS), the American Constitution Society (ACS), and the Women's Law Society (WLS) for a panel discussion on Domestic Violence Against People with Disabilities on April 20, 2021 from 12:45-2. Panelists include Darryle Brown of Transitions Family Violence Services, Juanita Graham of Avalon Center, Robert Gray of disAbility Law Center of Virginia, and Megan Zwisohn a Career Prosecutor.
The zoom link will be sent out the morning of the event!
Teagan Boda [[e|teboda]]