[PAST EVENT] EARTH DAY: Sea Level Rise Panel

April 22, 2015
5pm - 6:30pm
Williamsburg Community Building
Do you have questions about sea level rise and its impact on our local environment? Join us for an open and educational panel discussion focused on the science of sea level rise with Carl Hershner, Ph.D., and Molly Mitchell, M.S., from the College of William & Mary's Virginia Institute of Marine Science, as well as Dorothy Geyer of the National Parks Service and Patrick Taylor, Ph.D., from NASA Langley!

This event is free and open to the W&M and historic triangle communities, and is a great way to celebrate Earth Day! Join us at the Williamsburg Community Building on April 22, doors open at 5pm with exhibits, discussion from 5:30-6:30pm. Sponsored by W&M's Committee on Sustainability, the City of Williamsburg, James City County, and York County. Please register at {{https://forms.wm.edu/20122}], refreshments will be provided. Follow us on Facebook at WM-Sustainability.


Calandra Waters Lake Director of Sustainability waterslake@wm.edu