[PAST EVENT] George Wythe Society: Mock Legislature

February 16, 2012
6pm - 8pm
House of Burgesses at the Capitol, Duke of Gloucester Street, Colonial Williamsburg
The mock legislature was an important part of the educational experience of William & Mary's first law students in the 1780s. Every Saturday, Professor George Wythe and his students would meet at the Capitol on Duke of Gloucester Street and debate matters pending in the Assembly. Wythe viewed the mock legislature as an important part of his students' education, because W&M's law school was established for the express purpose of training political leaders. The George Wythe Society will begin this tradition anew with its first mock legislature in the same room where Wythe and his students held their proceedings. Student legislators will debate two modern legislative issues. Senator Tommy Norment, current Va. Majority Leader and a 1973 graduate of the Law School, will serve as moderator. Colonial Williamsburg's Thomas Jefferson will provide a historical introduction to the evening. Free. Seating is limited to about 40 or so attendees.

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