Law School Events
[PAST EVENT] Another Day at the Breach: Cyber Intrusion - A Conference of Experts
Law School, Hosted by the Business & Law Schools613 S Henry St
Williamsburg, VA 23185Map this location
Access & Features
- Open to the public
- Registration/RSVP
- Ticketed event

Data is everything.
Foreign or domestic cyber terrorists, a 14-year old curious hacker, or an innocent but dangerous internal error, your organization?s data is at risk ? that is a simple truth. Large complex organization or small, protecting your digital assets requires an understanding of the risk and a well-considered, organizationally understood, and readily deployable plan. To do that, one must know the threat, the legal landscape, how to access resources to mitigate those threats, and how to create an organizational culture of compliance.
The legal, ethical, financial and reputational risks threatened by cyber intrusion are here to stay. Regrettably, they are getting more and more sophisticated and pervasive. For that reason, tapping into the extraordinary expertise of alumni, faculty and friends, the William & Mary Business and Law Schools have partnered to bring you a comprehensive conference on Cyber Intrusion.
The conference, on March 16 and 17, will be held on campus. It is intended to support your need to better manage threat, understand the legal landscape, help you access resources necessary to mitigate your exposure, and help you articulate and deploy an organizationally understood plan to protect your digital assets. This day and a half conference will expose you to experiences of men and women who represent the cutting edge of thought and action in the field of cyber security.
Sponsorship Opportunities are available by contacting Morgan Hutter at 757-221-3796 or
For more information and to register, please visit: There is no cost for alumni, and we are offering an early bird registration to non-alumni who register by February 1. Consider registering early, as we are limited by space and may have to limit attendance.
Morgan Hutter at 757-221-3796 or