Law School Events
[PAST EVENT] Celebrate Black History Month with Doctors' Commons
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To celebrate Black History Month, Doctors' Commons is leading two separate trips into Colonial Williamsburg to participate in three of their programs on the mornings of Feb. 16th and 17th. These programs are interactive and performed by historical interpreters. On both Friday and Saturday morning, a group will walk to Colonial Williamsburg to attend:
(1) Slavery and the Law
(2) Behind the Seat of Power: African-American Contributions at the Governor's Palace
(3) Advancing Freedom: African-Americans in the American Revolution
Attendance is free for students with a Colonial Williamsburg pass. If you don't have your free Collegiate Pass, we can help! Email us at For more information about the programs, visit:
Please RSVP to this event and indicate which day you'll attend (Friday or Saturday) so that we have an idea of the size of our group. Meet in the Law School lobby at 11:00 AM on both days to walk over together. Hope to see you there!