[PAST EVENT] Debarchana Ghosh - Applications of GIS in Health Research

October 27, 2023
1pm - 2pm
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Dr. Debarchana Ghosh - Applications of GIS in Health Research. Join us via Zoom on October 27th at 1 PM via Zoom. RSVP using the QR Code or https://go.wm.edu/Cb0qvz

Dr. Ghosh is an associate professor at the University of Connecticut. “Her research employs an interdisciplinary approach to investigate health issues with the goal of providing quantitative evidence for intervention and preventive policies." She will be discussing ways to utilize mapping to better understand the relationship between health and place, while demonstrating the real-world value of maps. She will also be delving into her research in the health and epidemiology fields. This talk will provide a new lens on the capabilities of GIS!

Via Zoom

Register here: https://go.wm.edu/Cb0qvz

