[PAST EVENT] Marc Cosentino Case Interview Prep Workshop

October 27, 2015
2:30pm - 4:30pm
Alan B. Miller Hall (Business School), Room 2003
101 Ukrop Way
Williamsburg, VA 23185Map this location
Please join us for a case interview workshop with Marc Cosentino. Mr. Cosentino is a nationally recognized case interview expert and will provide a fun and interactive session focusing on case interview types, best practices for preparation and tips on how to be successful in case interviews.

RSVP via MASONlink Events - Workshops link below.
(If you registered for the previously cancelled workshop, you do not need to register again.)

2. Case Interview Practice for Competition (Competition on Friday, Nov. 13th, more details to come)
After the Marc Cosentino workshop, students will be divided into teams of 5-6 students. Each group will be assigned an Executive Partner as a guide and resource for the team. Students will be responsible to coordinate a time and location for the group and EP to meet. The objective of the group meetings is to review a case, utilize the strategies. Meetings will last an hour.

Mr. Cosentino has a great website for additional information: www.casequestions.com

Here is a video of Marc Cosentino discussing Case Interview Preperation:? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CR4MIFENsWw

Please contact Phil Heavilin at phil.heavilin@mason.wm.edu