[PAST EVENT] Mason Idol (INVITE Only)

March 25, 2016
6pm - 10pm
Alan B. Miller Hall (Business School), Brinkley Commons
101 Ukrop Way
Williamsburg, VA 23185Map this location
Come one come all to the event of the semester!

It is an evening for the students, faculty, and administration to enjoy Mason community we have built together. The evening will open with a mix and mingle during a silent auction. Followed by a talent show of your fellow classmates. Rounding out the evening with a live auction of items and experiences donated by our amazing faculty. This event is for adults only.

To have fun! But also for a much greater purpose; Mason Idol is the primary fundraiser for Mikey?s Camp and the children who participate in Kidz N? Grief at Bon Secours Hampton Roads. Mikey?s Camp happens during one weekend every year and creates an environment for children who have experienced the loss of a loved one to find community and counseling. In conjunction with the Mason Community Service Club, we hope this night will continue to be a large contributor to a program that makes a life changing difference in many children?s lives.

Do you have a hidden talent you have always wanted to show off? A not so hidden talent that needs an encore? All acts accepted: song, dance, haiku, juggle, jokes, and monologues. You name it, we want it! Start brainstorming and planning the performances that will skyrocket you into Mason stardom. We want it all!
All acts must be submitted by March 14th. Time limit is 8 minutes for each act. It can be individual or group performance. When you submit performances please include: performers? names, what the act is, how long the act will take, any additional AV equipment you may need. Submit performances to brooke.waggoner@mason.wm.edu.

Professors, EP?s and administration are currently putting together experiences for the students to bid on. Auction items in the past have included: a trip to D.C. to watch a Nationals baseball game with Dean Pulley and Dean White, lunch and a tennis match with Professor Murray, and a cookout at Professor Hewitt?s home. Two weeks out from the event the auction list will be released to the students. Upon this time students may begin to plan their strategy for bidding on the desired prizes. Many of the items will be offered to multiple students at a minimum bid per person. For these items coalitions may be formed.
