[PAST EVENT] W&M Ventures Demo Day

December 1, 2023
3pm - 5:30pm
Tribe Square, Entrepreneurship Hub
249 Richmond Rd
Williamsburg, VA 23185Map this location
Access & Features
  • Free food
  • Registration/RSVP
Demo Day

The grand finale of our semester programming, Demo Day will include Rocket Pitch Faceoff - a competition for cash prizes with returning winners from the semester's Rocket Pitch events. Additionally, a panel of guest speakers will join us, sharing their professional journey and how they utilize the entrepreneurial mindset everyday in their careers. Stick around after the presentation to celebrate a semester of hard work with a networking after party, complete with DJ, drinks, and catering from one of the Entrepreneurship Hub’s very own ventures! Spots are limited, so reserve yours today  > here < ! If you can't make it in person, join us on Zoom > here <!

