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[PAST EVENT] Spring 2019 eLearning Workshop Series - Navigating your DLE: Landmarks
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- Free food
In the third and final session of the Spring '19 eLearning Workshop series we explore how staying in touch with your students as they progress in your course can be one of the most important instructional practices you can employ to ensure their success. By regularly checking in with them, you can keep students from falling through the cracks by addressing confusion, questions, misunderstandings, and requests for additional information as they come up. Tracking student progress and making sure they reach course landmarks can be complicated by many factors, including class size, distance, and time constraints. Join us as we discuss methods you can employ to succeed in this area.
Workshop will feature, among others, Tom Linneman (Sociology). and Molly Swetnam-Burland (Classical Studies).
March 27th, 2019. Noon to 1pm. Ford Classroom, Swem Library.
Lunch provided with RSVP
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