[PAST EVENT] Field Research on the US-Mexico Border

September 17, 2014 - September 18, 2014
5pm - 5pm
Washington Hall, Room 301
241 Jamestown Rd
Williamsburg, VA 23185Map this location
In collaboration with BorderLinks, our institutional host on the border, students will investigate immigration issues from a variety of different perspectives. A typical itinerary offers students the opportunity to engage with representatives from NGOs, humanitarian organizations, community activists, public defenders, and government officials, as well as observe deportation proceedings and hike along a "migrant trail."

Besides earning one credit for field research and a presentation in April, students will apply their research practicum by enrolling in either Hispanic Studies 307: Medical Interpretation or Anthropology 350: Marx and Anthropology. Instructor permission is required to enroll in the one-credit field course.

The cost of the trip is approximately $850 plus airfare (approx $515) to Tucson, AZ. Financial assistance from the College may be available as it was in previous years. A $200 deposit is due Friday, November 7th. There is a maximum enrollment of 10 students.

An informational meeting will be held at 5 PM on Sept 17th and 18th in 301 Washington Hall.

An online application form will accessible starting Monday, Sept 22nd. Selections will take place before fall break. If you are interested, but unable to attend the info sessions, you may contact Prof. William Fisher (whfish@wm.edu) or Prof. Arries (jfarri@wm.edu) for more information and the application link.