The Haven Events
[PAST EVENT] Take Back the Night: Survivor Speak Out
Access & Features
- Free food
- Open to the public
Take Back The Night is the oldest worldwide movement to stand against sexual violence.
According to The Take Back The Night Foundation: 1 in 3 women worldwide experience some form of sexual violence or intimate partner violence. 1 in 6 men experience sexual violence. 2 in 3 transgender people have been sexually assaulted. People in the LGBTQIA+ community are more likely to experience sexual violence. Less than 50% of victims report these crimes.
We welcome all who will walk, stand, speak, chant, and rally with us until sexual violence is NO MORE
Sponsored by: Office of Compliance and Equity, The Haven, The Office of Health Promotion
[[clfox, Candice Fox]], MA, Assistant Director, Sexual Violence Prevention OHP