[PAST EVENT] June Discovery Lab-Shipwrecks

June 16, 2015
6pm - 8pm
VIMS - Catlett-Burruss Research and Education Lab
7577 Spencer Road
Gloucester Point, VA 23062Map this location
Collecting and observing debris and artifacts from sunken ships and naval battlefields helps Americans learn more about our past. In addition, divers have observed firsthand the ecological role that shipwrecks can play as an artificial reef habitat, supporting biodiversity usually found only on live coral reefs. Join guest speaker Shannon Ricles of NOAA as she describes the history of the National Marine Sanctuary System, explains why NOAA has recently included several shipwrecks in the program, and explains how shipwrecks can be useful in both historical and ecological studies.

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[[v|mcguire, Sarah Nuss]]

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