VIMS Internal Events
This calendar presented by
Virginia Institute of Marine Science
[PAST EVENT] Interdisciplinary Marine Science Seminar Series
May 7, 2021
12pm - 1pm
Via Zoom - Click "More Information" for LinkClick on the "More Information" button below to connect remotely. Contact Marjy Friedrichs for zoom meeting password.
Kayla Martinez-Soto introduces:
“Invertebrates in a changing forest: community composition across the salt marsh-forest boundary" presented by Emily Goetz, VIMS MS Student
“Determining the role of dams on range contractions of amphidromous shrimp in the genus macrobrachium of Texas using presence-only data" presented by Alex Solis, VIMS MS Student
[[v|marjy, Marjy Friedrichs]] at (804) 684-7695