[PAST EVENT] M.A. Capstone Presentation - Claudia Moncada

May 2, 2023
9am - 10am
VIMS - Watermen's Hall, Classroom A-B or Remote via Zoom - See "More Information" for Link
1375 Greate Road
Gloucester Point, VA 23062Map this location

Please mark your calendars and plan to join other members of the College community for the following M.A. Capstone Presentation:

Presented by: Claudia Moncada
Candidate for Master of Arts Degree in Marine Science

Program Advisor: Molly Mitchell
Capstone Advisor: Debbie Steinberg

Capstone Title: "Weaving a Science Story: Language and Narratives as Tools in the Science Classroom"

If you wish to connect remotely via Zoom, click on the "More Information" button below.
Password: 5990


[[v|hay, Jennifer Hay]], Registrar & Assistant to the Associate Dean of Academic Studies, 804-684-7106