W&M Featured Events
[PAST EVENT] DC Metro - Silver Spring Book Club - Rescheduled
Kaldi?s Social House | 918 Silver Spring Ave, Silver Spring, MD 20910Access & Features
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Join fellow William & Mary alumni and friends to read and discuss books in Silver Spring. William & Mary alumni, friends, regular attendees, and newcomers are all welcome!
The book is ?Small Fry? by Lisa Brennan Jobs. A brief synopsis (from Amazon): Born on a farm and named in a field by her parents artist Chrisann Brennan and Steve Jobs Lisa Brennan-Jobs?s childhood unfolded in a rapidly changing Silicon Valley. When she was young, Lisa?s father was a mythical figure who was rarely present in her life. As she grew older, her father took an interest in her, ushering her into a new world of mansions, vacations, and private schools. His attention was thrilling, but he could also be cold, critical and unpredictable. When her relationship with her mother grew strained in high school, Lisa decided to move in with her father, hoping he?d become the parent she?d always wanted him to be.
Check the Facebook event on November 19th for a photo and information about where in Kaldi?s the group will meet! Come prepared for a great discussion.
Crystal Morrison-Joseph ?09 | c.caprice.morrison@gmail.com