[PAST EVENT] NHPW Series: #40Answers: Using Social Media to Further the Hazing Prevention Conversation webinar

September 20, 2012
2pm - 3pm
Campus Center, Room 220
104 Jamestown Rd
Williamsburg, VA 23185Map this location
Sigma Nu Fraternity teamed up with HazingPrevention.Org once again for the #40Answers Campaign, challenging students and professionals from around the globe to answer common hazing excuses in 140 characters or less using the #40answers hashtag on Twitter. Last year, this campaign took a giant leap forward with more than 2,000 tweets and re-tweets from over 1,250 Twitter members. This year's campaign started on August 15th and ends on September 23rd and hopes to have even greater participation and knowledge shared. Don't miss out on how to incorporate lessons learned from this campaign and a campus-based offshoot in using social media to start up the hazing prevention conversation in your community.

[[aharse, Anne Arseneau]]