[PAST EVENT] Last Day of Class Bell Ringing

May 6, 2021
10:30am - 8pm
Wren Building
111 Jamestown Rd
Williamsburg, VA 23185Map this location
Access & Features
  • Registration/RSVP

Ringing the Wren Bell at the end of the academic year is a cherished William & Mary tradition! In order to ensure that all graduating students can ring the bell, only graduating students who register through a link provided to them may ring the bell. 

  • The Wren Building is open ONLY to members of the William & Mary community (faculty, staff, students). A current student who is not graduating may accompany you to take a photo, but family or friends outside of the W&M community are not permitted inside.
  • All participants must wear a mask
  • Line-up will begin outside the courtyard fence (on the Sunken Garden side of the Wren Building). Volunteers will be there to assist.
  • Participants must maintain at least 6 feet between others while waiting in line
  • A hand wash station is there for you to wash before entering Wren. There will be hand sanitizer for you after ringing the bell
  • No food or drink is permitted inside the Wren Building
  • The entire process should take anywhere from 5-15 minutes, depending on how many students are ringing the bell during your time slot
  • Finally, we hope students will share their experience. Students may tag their public Twitter and Instagram photos with #wmgrad and the photos might be included in the pre-ceremony slideshows in Zable Stadium and on the #wmGrad social wall. Private Instagram account? Share photos with us via Box and we'll post them publicly for you.  Learn more and see the latest.