[PAST EVENT] French & Francophone Major Party / Open House

March 15, 2013
3pm - 5pm
Washington Hall, Room 315
241 Jamestown Rd
Williamsburg, VA 23185Map this location
French Major Party / Open House for Prospective Majors & Minors:

Friday, March 15, 3:00-5:00 p.m. 315 Washington Hall.


- to pick up information about the French major and minor
- to find out more about the courses we will be offering this fall
- to meet the French & Francophone Studies faculty
- to ask your questions about study abroad
- to find out about research and scholarship opportunities
- to hear about the French House and Pi Delta Phi (the French honor society)
- to meet other students majoring or minoring in French & Francophone Studies
- ... and above all, to celebrate the accomplishments of our majors (our graduating seniors in particular)!

Refreshments will be served.

Questions? [[mxfauv]]